White Dental Fillings

White Dental Fillings

White fillings are made of composite resins and have the ability to mimic the color of natural dental tissue. At Artdent particular emphasis is given on the “sculptural” configuration of each white resin filling so as to resemble the shape and colour of a natual tooth blending it harmoniously with the rest of the teeth.
While creating white fillings, they should be isolated from saliva and bacteria of the oral cavity as their endurance is highly dependant on level of isolation. Problems such as secondary caries (decay) from microleakage or fractures of small pieces of resin due to saliva penetration can be avoided by proper isolation. The use of a rubber dam is therefor very important, a dental material which greatly increases the quality of the result of many treatments. White dental fillings need one session to be completed.

White fillings are indicated in cases where the remaining healthy tooth substance is enough to ensure a good prognosis for the restoration of the tooth with a single and simple white resin composite. In cases where decay of the tooth is large enough to damage a large portion of a tooth an onlay instead is indicated for safer results in the longterm.